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Facts About DWI Charges

Walker Law LLC Jan. 25, 2023

Iron Handcuffs, Car Keys, and A Glass of AlcoholDon't Let One Mistake Ruin Your Future

A DWI conviction can follow you for years. Even after you have pained your fine and served your time, you may be facing heavy restrictions on your driving privileges, such as having to blow into a breathalyzer every time you want to drive somewhere.

Protect your driving privileges by calling my office today. I will know the right questions to ask and build you a solid case so you can either have your sentence or other penalties greatly reduced or in some cases, I may be able to fight to get your charge dropped altogether.

Local Representation

Residents in Chesterfield, Missouri turn to my firm - Walker Law LLC - when they need a DWI attorney. I have a wealth of experience representing those that have been charged with DWIs attorney and making sure they are kept up to date every step of the way.

I can help lessen your chances of severe consequences. Call (636) 206-7970 now to schedule a free consultation so I can begin working on your case as soon as possible.

Leave DWI Defense to The Experts

There are so many small and big factors that could affect your chances of conviction in Chesterfield, Missouri. You can expect me to answer some particularly difficult questions, such as:

Did the officer have reasonable suspicion to stop you?

Did the officer follow the correct protocols for DWI cases?

What were the road conditions like at the time you were pulled over?

How did the officer conduct the field sobriety test?

When was the officer's breathalyzer last calibrated?

You can't hire just any attorney to represent you and fight for your rights as a human and rights as a driver. I will do everything I can to make sure you are given the best possible result given your circumstances and unique situation.

Don't wait before it is too late. Call my office today to schedule a free consultation.