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How Does an Ignition Interlock Device Work?

An Ignition Interlock Device (IID) is a critical tool used to prevent individuals from driving under the influence of alcohol. This device has gained significant attention in Missouri, especially when it comes to criminal defense.

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DWI vs DUI in Missouri

When it comes to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, many Missouri drivers ask about the difference between Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) and Driving Under the Influence (DUI).

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The Basics of Traffic Violations in Missouri

Getting a speeding ticket or a parking ticket is a common occurrence. You’d be hard pressed to find a driver who hasn’t received at least one traffic violation in their lives. Many people choose to simply pay these off and be more mindful of their driving in the future.

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What Should I Do If I Missed My Court Date?

Ever missed an important meeting or a loved one's birthday and felt the instant knot of stress in your stomach? Now, imagine that feeling amplified tenfold. That's what missing a court date feels like.

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What You Should Know About Plea Bargains

Facing the possibility of criminal charges can be an overwhelming experience. You may feel uncertain about the future, anxious about the potential outcomes, and confused by the legal process. I understand the fear, the feeling of being caught in a system that seems too complex to navigate on your own.

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Common Myths About the Criminal Justice System

Legal procedures can be confusing for people who don't navigate them on a daily basis. Unfortunately, this gap in understanding often leads to the spread of false information and the perpetuation of myths about the criminal justice system.

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What Will Happen During Sentencing?

If you are arrested under a criminal statute and go to trial and are convicted, or if you plead guilty, then the judge – not the jury if you were convicted by a panel of your peers – will decide upon your sentence.

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What Will Happen at the Trial?

The mere thought of standing in front of the judge in the courtroom can be stressful and intimidating enough. At times like these, it may feel like the entire world is against you. However, much of that stress and fear is rooted in the lack of understanding of the criminal trial process.

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What Will Happen at the Arraignment?

The arraignment hearing is one of the most important and misunderstood phases of the criminal process. If you are facing criminal charges, the arraignment will be your first formal appearance before a judge.

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Understanding How Bail Works in Missouri

In Missouri, a defendant facing criminal charges may be able to post bail to secure their temporary release. This involves depositing an amount of money to ensure that the defendant turns up for court proceedings. However, there are specific laws in Missouri that govern bail and bail bonds. In addition, the court officer or judge will consider various factors to determine whether to grant or deny bail to the defendant and the amount of bail.

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